Working on GED for creative writing classes in college! Dropped out of 10th grade; I've passed all subjects except math. Failed it 4 times in a row...

Life Updates! & Other Things.

November 13th, 2023:

Been a while. I came out of the trans closet to my clinic therapist. He's a pretty cool, chill guy. He really seems to care for me.

June 14th, 2023:

I've begun a Google doc grimoire + journal frankly a rambling, oversharing mess. There is quite a lot of identifying personal info within it, so I won't share it with anyone but absolute close friends. On the bright side, it taught me how to add chapter sections to Google docs, so there's that, I guess. I'd still like to do a carefully maintained handwritten grimoire in a giant, fancy blank book, but time will tell if I'm able to afford that. On Etsy, they cost anywhere from $20 to $1k!!

I'm still not out of the trans closet to anyone IRL. My parents & brother would NOT react well to the news. Which will make it very hard for me to get my top surgery or microdoses of T someday, but then again, I doubt I'll be able to afford it all, anyway. I just wanna be androgynous, is that so bad?

I am turning 27 this month on the 22nd...but we're too broke to get me any gifts or go anywhere nice. Sucks. I s'pose my tattoo which I got on June 6th could count as a present to myself? I didn't know yet we'd become so very broke when I bought it. It's just a Batman symbol on my upper left arm. He may be fictional, but he is my husbando. Which brings to mind the thought that I don't plan on ever having children, which I don't think my mom & brother mind, but my dad wants me to.